The Global Pan African Movement Statement on the election of Luis Inacio Lula da Silver in Brazil

The Global Pan African Movement, North American (GPAM) delegation celebrates along with progressive peoples everywhere, the victory of the workers party of Brazil in the runoff elections which were held today, October 30, 2022. The candidate Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will be the next president of Brazil. This victory cements the broad alliance of workers, poor farmers, cultural workers, landless persons, African descendants, indigenous persons, anti-fascists and environmental justice activists. In the midst of the global capitalist crisis with the heightened racism of elements such as Jair Bolsonaro, this victory is to be celebrated by all those who want peace and social justice. After the victories of the progressive forces in Columbia which was also anchored in a new electoral alliance of African descendants and indigenous peoples, the victory in Brazil will stiffen the resolve of progressive forces who have come to power recently in Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Barbados and Honduras. This victory means that the conservative elements in Latin America and the Caribbean are now isolated. Six of the Latin America’s seven largest countries have now elected progressive leaders since 2018.

 The political leadership of Cuba and Venezuela will join in the new push for economic integration and reparative justice. The victory is a big boost for the efforts of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) to push for economic integration. Additionally, this means that far from Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua being isolated and targeted by the Organization of American States (OAS) and the imperial forces of the USA, it is the US, Canada and the forces of French colonialism that are now isolated in the CELAC region.

The Global Pan African movement welcomes the victory of the Presidency of the Workers Party and will redouble its efforts to advance the programme of anti racism and reparative justice.

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