Statement of the Global PanAfrican Movement on the Revolutionary Process in Sudan

The Global Pan African Movement maintains its solidarity with the Sudanese people who have not wavered in the struggle to liberate themselves and transform their societies. The Sudanese people have a strong history of removing regimes that have not served in the interests of the people. The most recent removal of the National Congress Party and its leader Omar al-Bashir, in 2019, has transformed into a revolutionary process that has been developing the clarity and means to build a new Sudan. In particular, the young people and women, through organizations like the resistance committees have led a three year struggle, with over 300 lives lost, to build popular power from below (100 people is just since October 2022).

The GPAM respects and supports the self-articulation and demands of the people. 

On July 4, 2022, the forces behind the October coup responded to the demands of the people by claiming they will secede power to civilians. The statements from the military, and the external forces directly or indirectly supporting them, reflect the weakness of force in the face of organized and determined people. As many of the organized groups reject the military’s statement as a strategy to deflect the revolutionary process, GPAM reaffirms its solidarity with the people of Sudan.

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