Statement from Farmers Alliance of Al-Jazirah and Al-Managil

**Survival or Extinction**  

The land is ours to plant and a homeland,  

For the enemies: bitterness and a coffin.


**Al-Jazirah and Al-Managil: The Key to Sudan’s Development**

**To the Secretary-General of the United Nations,**

Based on the Universal Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (UNDROP) issued on December 17, 2024, in which the international community committed to protecting and respecting the rights of farmers, including recognition of:

– The right to land, seeds, biodiversity, water, and other resources.

– The right to access justice.

– The right to access information to benefit from in processing their agricultural products.

– The right to food, freedom from hunger, and food sovereignty.


The declaration (UNDROP) also emphasized enhancing the rights of farmers and committed to increasing the protection of human rights for farmers and other rural workers, applying international human rights rules and standards.


**To the Secretary-General of the United Nations,**  

There is no doubt that you have followed your organizations’ shocking reports on the violations against the people and the Al-Jazirah and Al-Managil project, which is considered one of the wonders of the world, the backbone of Sudan’s economy, and the food basket of Sudan. Despite Sudan, with its land, water, and diverse climate, being one of the three countries guaranteeing the world’s food security, this 2.2 million-acre project is managed under a single administration, with unified crop rotation and irrigation channels stretching 10,500 km, longer than the circumference of the earth. The project supported the establishment of government institutions and the state, and farmers practiced cooperative work from production tools to agricultural manufacturing, with Qoz Kabro becoming the largest cooperative association in the Middle East.


However, this project has faced systematic warfare and violations. The war reached all ten sections of Al-Jazirah and four out of eight sections of Al-Managil, covering fourteen out of eighteen sections in total. As a result, the project witnessed mass displacement, with hundreds of villages left completely empty, and in other villages, only poor farmers and agricultural workers remain, having lost all their possessions and savings. The basic infrastructure was destroyed, and the project has become unable to fulfill its role, revealing the true nature of this war aimed at eliminating productive forces and sites of production and development.


You are aware that this project represents one of the universal achievements created using the latest technology after World War I. It remained a model for over a hundred years in terms of contribution, development, administrative systems, and gravity-fed irrigation, which is studied in some universities around the world. Therefore, we call upon you to defend this project and work with us for the following:

1. Immediate cessation of this war.

2. Ensuring and securing the delivery of aid to Al-Jazirah and Al-Managil to confront the famine.

3. Support for the success of the “We Must Plant” campaign to defend the land and secure food.

4. Rehabilitate the Al-Jazirah and Al-Managil project using the latest technology.

5. Recover all looted assets of the project and hold accountable those who committed crimes and violations against the people and the Al-Jazirah and Al-Managil project.


**The Secretariat of the Farmers Alliance of Al-Jazirah and Al-Managil**  


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