News from Southern Africa
News from Southern Africa
Please find below links to articles, statements, resolutions, videos and internal education related to those countries, per the AU member list, located in the southern part of the continent of Africa.

Internal Education: U.S.-Africa Relations, Regarding the 2022 US Strategy Towards Africa
July 2, 2023
Pan-Africanists have long argued that the expropriation and exploitation of African people and resources have been central to the accumulation strategies of capitalist imperial states.

For Mandela and the ANC, Yasser Arafat and the Palestinians were “comrades in arms” and they supported their struggle against the Israeli state – both armed and unarmed.
May 15, 2021
For Mandela and the ANC, Yasser Arafat and the Palestinians were “comrades in arms” and they supported their struggle against the Israeli state – both