Congratulations to Julialynne Walker!

The Global Pan African Movement, North American Delegation (GPAM) is excited to highlight our member and sister, Julialynne Walker, for her dedicated work with farmers and and communities struggling for food security and quality. Listed are her well deserved awards and accomplishments this year:

2024 Columbus is My Neighborhood Honoree

As we conclude this year’s spotlight on the Columbus is My Neighborhood honorees, we introduce to you Julialynne Walker, a steadfast proponent of food justice and community empowerment in the Franklin Park and King-Lincoln District neighborhoods.
Julialynne’s lifelong commitment to food justice has transformed traditionally African American communities across all of Columbus. As the driving force behind the Brownsville Growers Market and a Certified Market Manager with the Ohio Farmers Market Network, she has dedicated herself to addressing food deserts in our city. Her efforts include leading a seven-month USDA-sponsored urban farming course that provided critical insights into sustainable food practices for participants. Through this work, she created avenues for community gardens to sell at select farmers markets, reinforcing her vision of bringing fresh, healthy food to her neighbors. Julialynne’s passion for food equity stems from a profound desire to restore agricultural culture to communities that have lost it—particularly the Bronzeville area, where she has witnessed a disappearance of urban farming practices within her lifetime.
This impact extends well beyond her role as a food justice advocate. As President of the Franklin Park Civic Association, she brings people together, offering her guidance as an elder and mentor to gardeners and community leaders alike.

BFFN (Black Indigenous People of Color Food & Farming Network) Legacy Award

The BFFN Legacy Award was given to Julialynne Walker (pictured right). Ms. Walker is the market manager for the Bronzeville Growers Market and is also on the executive board for BFFN. In 2020 during the pandemic, she launched the Bronzeville Agricademy, a ten-week online gardening course and the Bronzeville Urban Growers, a network of families growing in limited circumstances. She was the keynote speaker for the Gala Awards Dinner. She also received two other awards during the week from Local Matters and the Growing to Green Harvest Leadership Award from the Franklin Park Conservatory.

Bill Dawson Community Gardener of the Year Award (2024)

Bill Dawson Community Gardener of the Year award is presented to an individual who is exceptionally dedicated to their community garden and demonstrates leadership within community gardening in Central Ohio.

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